Master Data Management and Golden Record
Personal data changes. Customers move, change names, contact points, phones and email addresses. How can you handle all of this disparate information? The answer is to build the customer Master Customer Data Management (MDM) and Golden Record in PrivacyRun solution. A Golden Record is the single source of “truth” about your customers in your businesses you can see in the Single Customer View.
Table of Contents
Parametrization od the deduplication engine
The “truth” is understood to mean the reference to which data users can turn when they want to ensure that they have the correct version of a piece of information. The Golden Record encompasses all the data in every system of record within a particular organization.
One of the most difficult parts of an MDM solution implementation is the parameterization of the deduplication engine and the Gold Rrecord creation process. Consider all data sources, which fields are more reliable from which data sources, and what are the criteria that allow a field from one system to fill in an MDM field instead of another.
A Golden Record is the single source of “truth”
The functionality of the System enables the presentation of all collected data about the client, including the client’s personal data, current contact details, a list of products with an indication of the source system, a list of consents to the processing of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR and CCPA.
The deduplication engine allows you to create the Gold Record by automatic identification and merging of records into a Gold Record, the record has a reference to the source records from which it was created. The engine performs phonetic comparison taking into account European languages using advanced text comparison algorithms.
The Golden Record encompasses
A Golden Record is the single source of “truth” about customers in your businesses you can see in the Single Customer View. The “truth” is understood to mean the reference to which data users can turn when they want to ensure that they have the correct version of a piece of information. The Golden Record encompasses all the data in every system of record within a particular organization.